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Dandelion Fields


Check out some of our most Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to believe in God to attend?
    No. The Hub is open and welcoming to all homeschooling families in the Central Maine area. The Hub is housed within First Church of Waterville and the events are funded through the church.
  • What age/grade is the Enrichment Hour geared towards?
    The Enrichment Hour events are geared towards elementary students, ages 5-12. However, we welcome families with siblings that may be younger/older to attend. The church has a large nursery that is a perfect space for nursing mothers and parents with toddlers that is available during the Enrichment Hour.
  • Do I need to pre-register for the Enrichment Hour?
    Yes, it is very helpful for planning purposes to pre-register for the Enrichment Hour. You can register for one event at a time or you can look ahead on the calendar and sign up for all events that interest your students.
  • Does the Enrichment Hour have a cost?
    It depends, there may be a $5 fee for some of the events to cover part of the cost of supplies or the presentation fee.
  • Where is the Enrichment Hour located?
    Enrichment Hour is located at First Church in Waterville, ME on 1 Park St.
  • Where is the parking for The Hub?
    Parking is available on Park, Elm, and Appleton, the parking lot behind the church, in front of the public library, and the concourse.
  • Is Enrichment Hour a drop-off event?
    No. We ask that guardians stay on the premises during events for students under the age of 12. Parents may enjoy the parent lounge while their children are in session.
  • How can I get involved?
    Keep current on our calendar of events. Like and follow us on Facebook! Email with further questions.
  • What is the process for vetting teachers?
    All volunteers with the Hub have been chosen by the board and have consented to having a background check that is on file with First Church Administration.
  • What is a Homeschool Portfolio?
    A homeschool portfolio includes academic records and selections from a student's coursework in all required subject areas. Sample components are saved and compiled together in a binder over the year. At the end of the year, the completed portfolio can be reviewed by a Maine certified teacher to assess the progress made by the student during that time.
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